
Ingame Commands

(A few harmless commands can be used by everyone, not just admins: !help, !version, !showrules, !pbmyguid, !time, !results )


Shows list of commands

Shows current WarCon and BC2 version (/detect if more than one admin tool is running)

!addadmin <playername> (superadmin only)
Adds another player to the list of admins

!shutdown (superadmin only)
UsuallUsually works as a restart of the BF4 server, but after a certain number of times (~5) it won't get back up without proper restart at the server provider's control panel, so USE WITH CARE! and never if you don't have access to the control panel...

!!<raw rcon command>bsp;(superadmin only)
Sends a raw command to the server, as described in the server protocol.

General administration

Chats the current tool and server settings to all

!rules <ruleset>
Applies predefined common rule sets. Can be bnl8v8 esl8v8 esl5v5 eslobl 1v1 ffa.

!mode <(part of) game mode>
ChangeChange the game mode (Conquest, Conquest64, Rush etc) and load that version of the current map (clears the current maplist)
Restarts the current map (incl. normal team swap)

!map <(part of) mapname>
Changes to the given map (clears the current maplist)

!s or !say <text>
NormalNormal chat message

!k or !kick <Playername>bsp;(correct name, without tag)
Kicks the player immediatly

!swap <playername>
Switches team for given player after a warning

SwitchSwitches the entire teams after a warning


!addspectator <playername>
Adds a player to the list of allowed spectators (only needed if AlwaysAllowSpectators is set to false)
Clears the list of allowed spectators

Shows the allowed spectators and those currently spectating

Match related

Writes out the EA guids of all players

Writes out the PB guids of all players to all players - short versions ingame and full version in log

tells your own full pb guid ingame

!golive [logname]
Starts a match round - see general info

Cancels a running match round

!tickets [ticketnumber]
Sets the forced number of initial tickets and/or shows the current number. Use 0 as argument to disable forced ticket for pure ticket ratio operation.

!time [minutes]
Sets the time limit in minutes and/or shows the current limit. Use 0 as argument to disable forced time for pure roundTimeLimit ratio operation (which can be reset ingame by !rules).

Shows the results or the last 4 match rounds